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Labradoodle puppy breeder

Australian Labradoodles: First-gen, Multi-gen, Backcross, Hybrid, how does this all work?


The word ‘hybrid’ for dogs is a misused term. It sounds fancier than saying ‘cross breeding’ which is simply breeding between 2 or more breeds of dogs. The correct term is cross breeding, but because hybrid sounds better, it continues to be misused. Actually a hybrid is the result of a donkey and zebra or a lion and a tiger. When we breed two different types of dogs, the correct term is cross breeding, not Hybrid. But that is ok, we know what you mean.


A first generation Labradoodle is the cross between a poodle and a Labrador or in the breeding world, we call this an F1. It is a 50% –50% mix. The advantages to this cross breeding is called Hybrid Vigor. Hybrid Vigor is the result of cross breeding between two unrelated purebreds and the new breed being healthier and growing better than the parent lines. The down side is that there is less ‘predictability’. The puppies of this litter can be a strait coat like the Lab, curly coat like a Poodle, or a wavy coat which would be a combination. It is also a roll of the dice relative to shedding and can still have dander. Some may, some may not shed and have dander. So a F1 labradoodle is not recommended for families who have SEVERE allergies.


A second generation Labradoodle is a breeding of an F1 (first gen) labradoodle and another F1 (first gen) labradoodle. It is also a 50% – 50% mix, the same as an F1 but it is just the second generation or F2. They will have the same ‘unpredictability’ of allergy friendly qualities and variation of coat and shedding.


A backcross is when we take an F1 (first gen) and breed it back to a poodle to correct the puppies coats. This breeding results in a 25% Labrador, 75% poodle mix. We refer to this as an F1b. (F1 backcross)The breeding will keep the Labrador look but take on more of the highly sought qualities of the non shedding, hypo-allergenic poodle coat. The coat type will also be the curly or wavy fleece or wool coat. The F1b brings ‘predictability’ back into the Labradoodle breed and is recommended for families with moderate to severe allergies.


This is where we would breed an F1 (first gen) to a F1 b (backcross). This is a second generation Labradoodle but the first generation to being a multi generation Labradoodle. They are non shedding and allergy friendly. This adds more predictability to the breed.


Almost done! A multi-gen Labradoodle is 3 or more generations into the breed. Now that we have a good amount of predictability, we can tweak things like personality, color, coat types (quality & texture) and certain physical attributes. A multi-gen Labradoodle is a highly recommended family dog that almost never sheds and is allergy friendly.


An Australian Labradoodle is basically a multi-gen Labradoodle with 30 + years behind the ‘multi-gen’ and more than the 2 breeds of Labrador and poodle. An Australian Labradoodle also includes the Irish water spaniel, American Cocker spaniel, English cocker spaniel and curly coat Labrador Retriever. The Australian Labradoodle also started back in the 80’s and has been tweaked through these additional breeds to improve coat, temperament, size and confirmation. The Australian Labradoodle will be a little shorter, stockier and have a shorter muzzle than the American Labradoodle.

The Australian Labradoodle is the foundation to our breeding program at The Labradoodle Corral. 100% of our program is multi-generational Australian Labradoodles. Have a look at all our available Labradoodles for sale.

Contact the Labradoodle breeding experts in Wisconsin at Labradoodle Corral for all your cross bred puppies available for adoption.

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